
intake_avro provides quick and easy access to tabular data stored in the Apache Avro binary, columnar format.


To use this plugin for intake, install with the following command:

conda install -c intake intake-avro



After installation, the functions intake.open_avro_table and intake.open_avro_sequence will become available. The former, faster method can be used to open one or more Avro files with flat schema into dataframes, but the latter can be used for any files and produces generic sequences of dictionaries.

Assuming some Avro files in a given path, the following would load them into a dataframe:

import intake
source = intake.open_avro_table('data_path/*.avro')
dataframe = source.read()

There will be one data partition per input file; there is no random access within each Avro data file.

Arguments to the open_avro_* functions:

  • urlpath : the location of the data. This can be a single file, a list of specific files,
or a glob string (containing "*"). The URLs can be local files or, if using a protocol specifier such as 's3://', a remote file location.
  • storage_options : other parameters that are to be passed to the filesystem
implementation, in the case that a remote filesystem is referenced in urlpath. For specifics, see the Dask documentation.

A source so defined will provide the usual methods such as discover and read_partition.

Creating Catalog Entries

To include in a catalog, the plugin must be listed in the plugins of the catalog:

    - module: intake_avro

and entries must specify driver: avro_table or driver: avro_sequence. The further arguments are exactly the same as for the open_avro_* functions.

Using a Catalog

Assuming a catalog file called cat.yaml, containing a Avro source pdata, one could load it into a dataframe as follows:

import intake
cat = intake.Catalog('cat.yaml')
df = cat.pdata.read()

The type of the output will depend on the plugin that was defined in the catalog. You can inspect this before loading by looking at the .container attribute, which will be either "dataframe" or "python".

The number of partitions will be equal to the number of files pointed to.